Study Guide

Field 056: World Languages—German
Sample Multiple-Choice Questions

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Objective 0001
Language Structures (Standard 2)

In German, a vowel is generally long if it is:

  1. followed by a single consonant.
  2. at the beginning of a word.
  3. at the end of a word.
  4. followed by a consonant cluster.
Correct Response: A.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate understanding of the phonological structures and features of German. In German, vowels are almost always long if followed by a single consonant. In a few instances, a vowel at the end of a word can be long if the vowel is unstressed (e.g., Vati,) or if the word is borrowed from another language (e.g., Kino).

Objective 0001
Language Structures (Standard 2)

Which of the following options correctly combines the two sentences below using a relative clause?

Meine Freundin sucht gerade eine Wohnung. Ich möchte bei ihr während meines Berlinaufenthaltes wohnen.

  1. Meine Freundin, bei die ich während meines Berlinaufenthaltes wohnen möchte, sucht gerade eine Wohnung.
  2. Meine Freundin sucht gerade eine Wohnung, bei die ich während meines Berlinaufenthaltes wohnen möchte.
  3. Meine Freundin, bei der ich während meines Berlinaufenthaltes wohnen möchte, sucht gerade eine Wohnung.
  4. Meine Freundin sucht gerade eine Wohnung, bei der ich während meines Berlinaufenthaltes wohnen möchte.
Correct Response: C.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate understanding of the interrelationships among the morphological and syntactic features of German. In German, a relative clause immediately follows its antecedent. The antecedent in the first sentence is "meine Freundin" which is feminine singular; "bei ihr" in the second sentence refers to the antecedent. The personal pronoun needs to be changed to a relative pronoun, and since it is preceded by a dative preposition, it becomes "bei der".

Objective 0003
Interpretive Communication Skills (Standard 3)

Lesen Sie die folgende Wegbeschreibung; beantworten Sie dann die anschließende Frage.

Bad Gastein erreichen Sie am besten über die Autobahn A8 München-Salzburg. Fahren Sie nach der Grenze rechts auf die Tauernautobahn A10 (Villach/Gastein/Hallein) auf und bleiben Sie auf dieser bis zum Dreieck „St. Johann / Zell am See / Gasteinertal“ (ca. 65 km nach der Grenze). Verlassen Sie die Autobahn bei Zell am See, fahren Sie in Richtung Lend und von dort ins Gasteinertal. Fahrzeit München-Bad Gastein: ca. 2,5 Stunden (230 km). Für diese Strecke benötigen Sie eine österreichische Autobahn-Vignette (10 Tage € 7,60 / Zwei-Monats-Vignette € 21,80).

Bei Schneelage sind Winterreifen Pflicht.

Nachdem die Person über die österreichische Grenze gefahren ist, sieht sie das Hinweisschild nach Bad Gastein zum ersten Mal, wenn sie:

  1. in Lend angekommen ist.
  2. für eine Vignette bezahlt hat.
  3. in Zell von der Autobahn abfährt
  4. auf die Tauernautobahn fährt.
Correct Response: D.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate the ability to apply literal and inferential comprehension skills to identify or infer essential information from written messages. The driver is instructed to start out on Autobahn A8, which runs from Munich to Salzburg. After crossing the border into Austria, the driver is instructed to turn right onto the Tauernautobahn, where he or she will see the sign for Gastein (as well as Villach and Hallein.)

Objective 0003
Interpretive Communication Skills (Standard 3)
Lesen Sie den folgenden Auszug aus Die Verwandlung (1915) von Franz Kafka; beantworten Sie dann die drei anschließenden Fragen.

»Herr Samsa«, rief nun der Prokurist mit erhobener Stimme, »was ist denn los? Sie verbarrikadieren sich da in Ihrem Zimmer, antworten bloß mit ja und nein, machen Ihren Eltern schwere, unnötige Sorgen und versäumen – dies nur nebenbei erwähnt – Ihre geschäftlichen Pflichten in einer eigentlich unerhörten Weise. Ich spreche hier im Namen Ihrer Eltern und Ihres Chefs und bitte Sie ganz ernsthaft um eine augenblickliche, deutliche Erklärung. Ich staune, ich staune. Ich glaubte Sie als einen ruhigen, vernünftigen Menschen zu kennen, und nun scheinen Sie plötzlich anfangen zu wollen, mit sonderbaren Launen zu paradieren. Der Chef deutete mir zwar heute früh eine mögliche Erklärung für Ihre Versäumnis an – sie betraf das Ihnen seit kurzem anvertraute Inkasso –, aber ich legte wahrhaftig fast mein Ehrenwort dafür ein, daß diese Erklärung nicht zutreffen könne. Nun aber sehe ich hier Ihren unbegreiflichen Starrsinn und verliere ganz und gar jede Lust, mich auch nur im geringsten für Sie einzusetzen. Und Ihre Stellung ist durchaus nicht die festeste. Ich hatte ursprünglich die Absicht, Ihnen das alles unter vier Augen zu sagen, aber da Sie mich hier nutzlos meine Zeit versäumen lassen, weiß ich nicht, warum es nicht auch Ihre Herren Eltern erfahren sollen. Ihre Leistungen in der letzten Zeit waren also sehr unbefriedigend; es ist zwar nicht die Jahreszeit, um besondere Geschäfte zu machen, das erkennen wir an; aber eine Jahreszeit, um keine Geschäfte zu machen, gibt es überhaupt nicht, Herr Samsa, darf es nicht geben.«

Welche der folgenden Aussagen fasst den Inhalt der Passage am besten zusammen?

  1. Herr Samsa ist deprimiert, weil er zu viel arbeiten muss, und der Prokurist versucht, ihn in eine bessere Stimmung zu versetzen.
  2. Der Prokurist möchte Herrn Samsa dazu bringen, mit ihm darüber zu reden, warum er der Arbeit fern bleibt, obwohl seine Stelle gefährdet ist.
  3. Herr Samsa möchte dem Prokuristen zu verstehen geben, dass er sich von der Arbeit ausruhen muss, weil er immer überarbeitet ist.
  4. Der Prokurist erklärt Herrn Samsa, dass die Mitarbeiter der Firma das ganze Jahr über schwer arbeiten müssen, auch wenn sie keine Lust dazu haben.
Correct Response: B.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate the ability to apply literal and inferential comprehension skills to identify or infer essential information from written messages. Mr. Samsa has locked himself in his room and only answers "yes" and "no" when spoken to. The manager (Prokurist) would like to know why Mr. Samsa did not come to work. He gets increasingly incensed at Mr. Samsa's reclusiveness and indicates that Mr. Samsa’s position in the company is less than secure. The manager definitely does not try to put Mr. Samsa in a better mood and Mr. Samsa refuses to communicate.

Der Prokurist behauptet, Herr Samsa könnte seine Stelle verlieren, weil:

  1. er seinen Eltern Sorgen macht.
  2. er immer schlecht gelaunt ist.
  3. er nicht ausführlich antwortet.
  4. er neuerdings schlechter arbeitet.
Correct Response: D.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate the ability to apply literal and inferential comprehension skills to identify or infer essential information from written messages. Mr. Samsa will not be fired because his parents are worried or because he does not give extensive answers to the manager’s questions, nor because he is supposedly in a bad mood, but rather because the boss of the company has indicated that Mr. Samsa’s work is no longer satisfactory.

Der unterstrichene Ausdruck „unter vier Augen“ bedeutet, dass:

  1. man etwas ganz privat diskutieren möchte.
  2. eine zweite Person mehr sieht als nur eine.
  3. man einen Brillenträger beschimpfen will.
  4. eine zweite Person Geheimnisse verrät.
Correct Response: A.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate the ability to recognize often-used figurative language, colloquialisms, and idiomatic expressions in written messages. The expression refers to the situation where two people (four eyes) are having a private conversation.

Objective 0004
Cultural Understanding (Standard 5)

Johannes Gutenberg's invention of the printing press was a significant factor in which of the following historical developments in Europe?

  1. the growth of shared perspectives and values among German principalities that fostered a sense of national identity
  2. the spread of knowledge that encouraged the development of the Reformation and the scientific revolution
  3. the emergence of a concept of nationality that contributed to the consolidation of European nation-states
  4. the assertion within cities and towns of their right to self-government independent of feudal princes
Correct Response: B.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate understanding of major political, economic, social, and cultural trends that have shaped the target cultures. Once books were in print in Europe, literacy began to increase. The Bible was no longer the sole property of the Catholic Church, but could also be read by laymen. This soon contributed to the spread of the Protestant Reformation and of scientific ideas.

Objective 0004
Cultural Understanding (Standard 5)

The connection between which of the following sets of topics related to Germany would best illustrate the historical concept of cause and effect?

  1. the Ninety-five Theses of Martin Luther and the invention of printing
  2. the Marshall Plan and the construction of the Berlin Wall
  3. the Treaty of Versailles and the outbreak of World War II
  4. the Wirtschaftswunder and the formation of the European Union
Correct Response: C.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate understanding of ways in which understanding the practices, products, and perspectives of the target cultures promotes an understanding of important concepts of other disciplines. Germans who felt that the Treaty of Versailles was unjust found a voice in right-wing politicians who spoke against the Treaty. The most ardent opponents of the Treaty were the Nazis, who used this opposition to build a loyal following. This is one of the causes that ultimately led to the outbreak of World War II.

Objective 0005
Language Acquisition (Standard 1)

According to Stephen Krashen's Input Hypothesis, a world language teacher would best promote the development of students' vocabulary in the target language by:

  1. using new words along with words that students know.
  2. posting lists of frequently used words in the classroom.
  3. emphasizing accurate pronunciation of new words.
  4. having students look up new words in a dictionary.
Correct Response: A.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate understanding of major theories of first- and second-language acquisition. Stephen Krashen's Input Hypothesis stresses the importance of having language input that is slightly more advanced than the level of the learner's current competence. When a teacher uses new words that students may not know in addition to words that they already know, students have the opportunity to learn new vocabulary through the process of determining meaning through context.

Objective 0006
Instruction and Assessment (Standard 6)

At the beginning of the semester, a high school world language teacher divides the class into small groups and has each group pick a different country or geographical area where the target language is spoken. Throughout the semester, the students present news of events that have happened in that area and research what regional linguistic differences exist. This approach improves students' understanding of the relationship between language and culture by:

  1. demonstrating to students the geographical and demographic expansion of the target culture along a period of time.
  2. providing opportunities for students to practice culturally appropriate interpersonal communication in the target language.
  3. allowing students to better understand and identify with the target language in a specific cultural context.
  4. encouraging students to do research on a relevant cultural topic for an academic presentation.
Correct Response: C.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of strategies for promoting students' understanding of the target cultures, ability to make comparisons between the target cultures and their own culture, ability to make connections between the target language and cultures and other disciplines, and participation in target-language communities within and beyond the school setting. Providing students with the opportunity to do their own research and present news and current events in a particular area would best help students to have a deeper, richer understanding of the culture within the unique regional contexts that languages exist.

Objective 0006
Instruction and Assessment (Standard 6)

In a beginning-level world language class, the teacher can best facilitate an immersion experience for the students by:

  1. providing dictionaries for use during class.
  2. having speakers of the target language visit frequently.
  3. penalizing students for using their primary language.
  4. responding to all students' questions in the target language.
Correct Response: D.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of major methods, approaches, and tools used in world language instruction and assessment. Language immersion is a method in which as much classroom instruction and interaction as possible takes place in the target language. The focus of a language immersion experience should be to emphasize the use of the target language in all possible contexts. The best way to provide that experience in a beginning-level world language class would be to use the target language whenever possible, such as by providing responses to students' questions in the target language.