Study Guide

Field 039: School Administrator—Building Level
Sample Multiple-Choice Questions and Video Assignment

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General Directions

This test consists of three sections: (1) a section in which you will watch and listen to a video and answer multiple-choice questions related to the video, (2) a section in which you will respond to multiple-choice questions, and (3) a section in which you will respond to a writing assignment. The directions for each section appear immediately before that section.

For sections containing multiple-choice questions, read each question and answer choice carefully and choose the ONE best answer. You should answer all questions. Even if you are unsure of an answer, it is better to guess than not to respond at all.

You may NOT use any type of calculator or reference materials during the testing session.

Sample Multiple-Choice Questions

Objective 0001
Human Capital Management (Standard 1)

1. A principal is collaborating with a teacher to develop a professional growth plan. Although the teacher is generally an effective practitioner, the principal and the teacher agree that some aspects of the teacher's classroom management could use improvement. One of the goals they identify for the teacher is to "make better use of available class time." The principal can best help promote the teacher's ability to succeed in achieving this goal by taking which of the following actions next?

  1. helping the teacher create a checklist of factors likely to facilitate progress on the goal and factors likely to impede progress
  2. arranging to meet with the teacher on a regular basis to discuss progress to date and to review and revise the original goal as needed
  3. assisting the teacher in defining specific objectives related to the goal and steps for accomplishing each objective
  4. working with the teacher to specify exactly how improvement related to the goal can be expected to influence student performance
Correct Response: C.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of how to support effective teachers. A broad teacher improvement goal, such as "making better use of available class time," defines a general target or outcome to be achieved but does not provide the teacher with specific direction for how to achieve that outcome. Breaking a broad goal into a set of specific, concrete, and measurable objectives, and identifying the steps that will be required to accomplish each objective, provides a clear road map for teacher actions aimed at achieving the broader goal.

Objective 0001
Human Capital Management (Standard 1)

2. A teacher evaluation system requires evaluators to take objective, evidence-based notes during classroom observations that they will share with teachers in post-observation conferences and use to guide their written teacher evaluations. Which of the following examples best illustrates such notes by an observer?

  1. "The teacher is highly responsive to the cultural and other types of student diversity in the class."
  2. "In a class of 22, the teacher calls on one student to answer four out of ten questions asked."
  3. "Throughout the lesson, the teacher uses a variety of effective strategies to monitor student understanding."
  4. "The teacher makes little or no effort to make instruction relevant to student interests and needs."
Correct Response: B.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of how to use teacher evaluation systems that credibly differentiate the performance of teachers. Notes taken during classroom observations provide supervisors with one source of data that can be used to inform their professional judgment regarding a teacher's performance. Of the response options provided, only response B can be considered an "objective, evidence-based" note because it is the only option that focuses on an observable, quantifiable teacher behavior rather than a subjective judgment regarding the teacher's responsiveness, effectiveness, or level of effort.

Objective 0001
Human Capital Management (Standard 1)

3. Which of the following pieces of information most clearly suggests the need for a principal to arrange schoolwide professional development on meeting the instructional needs of English Learners?

  1. Teachers are referring English Learners for special education evaluations at a much greater rate than other students.
  2. An increasing number of teachers say they seek assistance from the English Learner program staff in modifying instruction for English Learners in their classes.
  3. English Learners' academic performance and progress are frequently inconsistent across different subject areas.
  4. The total percentage of English Learners enrolled in the school has risen in the past five years.
Correct Response: A.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of how to orchestrate professional learning opportunities tuned to staff needs based on student performance. English Learners are not expected to have higher rates of disabilities than other students and should have no greater need than other students for special education services. It is likely that classroom teachers who refer English Learners for special education evaluations at a much greater rate than other students simply lack the knowledge and skills required to meet the learning needs of this student population and would therefore benefit from professional development in this area.

Objective 0001
Human Capital Management (Standard 1)

4. A recently hired principal has identified a need to build the school's leadership capacity. Which of the following strategies is likely to be most effective in promoting achievement of this goal?

  1. rotating a selected set of daily administrative responsibilities among interested teachers on a regular basis
  2. implementing systems to provide teachers with an ongoing flow of information about legislation, issues, and trends relevant to the school
  3. using a variety of means to publicly recognize teachers' accomplishments both inside and outside the classroom
  4. supporting teachers in applying principles of collaborative practice to address grade-level, departmental, or schoolwide issues
Correct Response: D.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of how to provide opportunities to promote teacher leadership and growth. Effective leadership in school contexts most often requires collaboration with others to solve problems and respond to issues affecting the school community. Therefore, supporting teachers in applying principles of collaborative practice to address current school issues would be an effective way to promote teachers' development of essential leadership skills and perspectives.

Objective 0001
Human Capital Management (Standard 1)

5. A school district recently adopted a new data management system that faculty and staff at schools throughout the district are expected to use to manage many types of student information. The principal in one school is aware that despite extensive training on the new system, a number of teachers are unable to adapt to it and are having a great deal of difficulty using it as intended. At this point, some teachers say that they refuse to spend any more of their time trying to adjust. Which of the following steps by the principal is likely to be most effective and appropriate for addressing this situation?

  1. overseeing the creation of clear, concise documentation of basic procedures for using the new system to distribute and review with struggling staff
  2. identifying staff who are competent users of the new system and training them to serve as mentors to struggling staff
  3. seeking district permission for struggling staff to continue using previous data management procedures until they are ready to switch to the new system
  4. requesting that the school's technology specialist take over system-related tasks for struggling staff on a temporary basis
Correct Response: B.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of the appropriate delegation of tasks and responsibilities to competent staff members. In the situation described, all teachers must be able to use a new student data management system to carry out their professional responsibilities, including planning and implementing instruction that is responsive to their students' needs. Therefore, teachers who are having great difficulty adapting to the new system must be provided with the support they need to master the system. Of the response options provided, the only one that would effectively promote such mastery would be to train staff members who are competent users of the new system to serve as mentors to struggling staff.

Objective 0002
Instructional Leadership (Standard 2)

6. A principal is about to take over the leadership of a low-performing school. One of the principal's first goals will be to evaluate teacher quality in the school. The principal can best begin this process by:

  1. arranging to observe instruction in each classroom.
  2. interviewing each teacher about his or her teaching practices.
  3. comparing student grades in each subject area across classrooms.
  4. having each teacher complete a teaching self-evaluation.
Correct Response: A.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of the use of classroom observation to evaluate instructional quality. Before initiating efforts to turn around a low-performing school, a principal who is new to the school must first identify specific issues that are likely contributing to poor student performance, including issues related to the quality of instruction. Observing instruction in each classroom is the most direct and effective way for a new principal to evaluate teacher quality and identify particular problem areas that should serve as the focus of future improvement efforts.

Objective 0002
Instructional Leadership (Standard 2)

7. In response to poor student performance in math, an elementary school principal has appointed a committee to review and revise the school's math curriculum. Upon reviewing the draft curriculum produced by the committee, the principal should be most concerned about which of the following issues?

  1. The curriculum will require students' regular use of higher-order thinking skills beginning at the earliest grade levels.
  2. The curriculum includes repetition of skills and concepts at different grade levels.
  3. The curriculum does not closely reflect the structure and content of math texts available in the school for each grade level.
  4. The curriculum contains gaps in the sequence of content covered across grade levels.
Correct Response: D.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of how to plan and organize a rigorous instructional program based on research-supported best practices regarding curriculum. The curriculum for any content area should establish sequences that build on each other and ensure a coherent and articulated progression of instruction on relevant knowledge and skills from grade to grade. If a curriculum contains gaps in the sequence of content covered across grade levels, then students will lack opportunities to learn what they need to know to benefit fully from subsequent instruction. Therefore, of the options provided, the principal should be most concerned about a draft math curriculum that contains gaps in the sequence of content covered across grade levels.

Objective 0003
Personal Behavior (Standard 3)

8. A principal finds that she has substantially more work confronting her each day than she has time to comfortably accomplish. To be most effective in her job, the principal should make every effort to keep as much focus as possible on those tasks and responsibilities that:

  1. impact the broadest range of school stakeholder groups.
  2. impact resource availability for students and staff.
  3. have the greatest influence on instructional outcomes.
  4. have a basis in legal or regulatory mandates.
Correct Response: C.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of how to establish daily priorities that keep the highest-leverage activities front and center. It is widely acknowledged that in today's schools, a principal's most important role is to provide instructional leadership that results in continuous improvement in teaching and learning. Therefore, when confronting a busy schedule with many competing priorities, a principal should strive to stay focused as much as possible on those aspects of the job that have the greatest impact on instructional outcomes.

Objective 0004
Building Relationships (Standard 4)

9. A principal has been hired to turn around a failing school. The principal can best avoid early missteps and promote a smooth transition by taking which of the following actions first?

  1. communicating a willingness to defer initially to the experience and judgment of long-time school staff
  2. holding discussions with many stakeholders to learn about local values, views, and priorities
  3. seeking information from the previous principal about leadership strategies that did and did not work at the school
  4. presenting for discussion a comprehensive, research-supported plan for improved student achievement
Correct Response: B.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate awareness of the public and political nature of the school building leader position. Principals who are hired to turn around failing schools must invariably pursue changes that some stakeholders will find threatening or upsetting. Holding discussions with many stakeholders to learn about their values, views, and priorities can help sensitize newly hired principals to local realities and perceptions and thus help them avoid some early missteps and transition problems.

Objective 0005
Culture of Achievement (Standard 5)

10. One of the goals of a middle school is to provide a learning environment that promotes achievement of high academic standards for all students. The school principal can best advance this goal by encouraging teachers to:

  1. provide their students with learning opportunities that include a mix of individual, small-group, and large-group activities.
  2. ensure that the instruction and materials they provide their classes are closely aligned with the school curriculum.
  3. communicate consistently to their classes that every student is capable of mastering challenging content and skills.
  4. allow their students a substantial degree of flexibility in determining what they will learn and how they will learn it.
Correct Response: C.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of how to empower teachers to set high and demanding academic expectations for every student. Research shows that students' motivation and confidence in their ability to achieve at high levels is strongly influenced by the expectations communicated to them by teachers and other important adults in their lives. Therefore, teachers who consistently communicate that every student is capable of mastering challenging content and skills are most likely to help advance the goal of providing a learning environment that promotes all students' achievement of high academic standards.

Objective 0006
Organizational, Operational, and Resource Management (Standard 6)

11. A high school is planning a program intended to help the school take advantage of the talents, skills, and knowledge of community members. In the program, various individuals in the community will be invited to participate in classes, speak or perform at assemblies, or provide artistic works for on-campus shows. Which of the following factors should be given highest priority when selecting individuals in the community to participate in the program?

  1. the nature and scope of an individual's current or previous relationship to the school
  2. the level of eagerness and commitment exhibited by an individual regarding the program
  3. the amount of experience an individual has had with similar activities in other schools
  4. the relevance of an individual's area of expertise to the school's curriculum and goals
Correct Response: D.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of how to develop community partnerships that increase access to resources. In planning a program to take advantage of the talents, skills, and knowledge of community members, school staff are likely to need to make decisions about which community members to select as participants. Since this type of program should be designed to reinforce and expand students' understanding of curricular content and skills, a key criterion for selection should be the relevance of an individual's expertise to the school's curriculum and goals.

Objective 0006
Organizational, Operational, and Resource Management (Standard 6)

Use the information below to answer the question that follows.

An elementary school principal has learned that due to a decrease in state funding, all schools in the district will be required to reduce their budget by 4 percent for the following year. The school has managed to absorb a number of smaller budget cuts over the past few years without too much difficulty. However, with a budget that is already stretched thin and an increase in student enrollment in recent years, the principal is concerned about the potential effects that this new round of cuts may have on the school's ability to meet student needs and attain its goals for improved achievement. Although student scores on state assessments are slightly better overall than those of some other nearby elementary schools, student performance on the assessments has shown little or no improvement in recent years, and scores for some student subgroups have actually been on the decline. Since receiving news of the impending 4-percent budget cut, the principal has spent considerable time reviewing the current school budget and trying to identify strategies for reducing spending in ways that will minimize the impact of new cuts on the instructional program. It soon becomes apparent, however, that there will be no easy or painless answers. The principal decides to create a committee to assist in making decisions about budget cuts. The principal will chair the committee, which will include faculty, staff, and parent/guardian representatives.

12. In the situation described, the most important advantage of the principal's decision to involve a committee in making school budget decisions is most likely to be:

  1. helping ensure that the final budget that emerges will closely reflect the school's previously defined goals and priorities.
  2. mobilizing varied segments of the school community in advocating for resources to meet school budget needs.
  3. promoting a broader distribution of responsibility for producing a balanced and acceptable school budget.
  4. increasing stakeholders' awareness of fiscal constraints and support for the resulting budget.
Correct Response: D.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of how to plan school budgets. In the situation described, the principal knows that upcoming budget cuts will require difficult and painful decisions affecting the school's instructional program. Increasing stakeholder involvement in any decision-making process tends to result in greater stakeholder understanding and buy-in. Therefore, the principal's decision to involve a committee of stakeholder representatives in making school budget decisions would be expected to have the benefit of increasing stakeholder awareness of fiscal constraints and support for the resulting budget.

Objective 0006
Organizational, Operational, and Resource Management (Standard 6)

Use the information below to answer the question that follows.

An elementary school principal has learned that due to a decrease in state funding, all schools in the district will be required to reduce their budget by 4 percent for the following year. The school has managed to absorb a number of smaller budget cuts over the past few years without too much difficulty. However, with a budget that is already stretched thin and an increase in student enrollment in recent years, the principal is concerned about the potential effects that this new round of cuts may have on the school's ability to meet student needs and attain its goals for improved achievement. Although student scores on state assessments are slightly better overall than those of some other nearby elementary schools, student performance on the assessments has shown little or no improvement in recent years, and scores for some student subgroups have actually been on the decline. Since receiving news of the impending 4-percent budget cut, the principal has spent considerable time reviewing the current school budget and trying to identify strategies for reducing spending in ways that will minimize the impact of new cuts on the instructional program. It soon becomes apparent, however, that there will be no easy or painless answers. The principal decides to create a committee to assist in making decisions about budget cuts. The principal will chair the committee, which will include faculty, staff, and parent/guardian representatives.

13. In selecting individuals to serve on the budget committee, the principal's first priority should be to select individuals who:

  1. seem likely to be viewed as capable problem solvers by their respective constituencies.
  2. have had substantial prior experience in working with budgets in a variety of school and other organizational contexts.
  3. seem unlikely to bring any type of personal or professional agenda to the process of budget review and revision.
  4. have a strong background in various aspects of public education at the elementary school level.
Correct Response: A.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of how to plan school budgets. One important reason for including members of various stakeholder groups in the process of making difficult budget decisions is to ensure that individuals and groups with varied perspectives are brought into the decision-making process. For members of the budget committee to be perceived as strong and legitimate representatives by their respective constituencies, they need to be viewed as competent and capable by those constituencies. Therefore, of the response options provided, the principal's first priority in selecting individuals to serve on the budget committee should be to select individuals who are likely to be viewed as capable problem solvers by the members of their own constituencies.

Objective 0002
Instructional Leadership (Standard 2)

Use the information below to answer the question that follows.

An elementary school principal has learned that due to a decrease in state funding, all schools in the district will be required to reduce their budget by 4 percent for the following year. The school has managed to absorb a number of smaller budget cuts over the past few years without too much difficulty. However, with a budget that is already stretched thin and an increase in student enrollment in recent years, the principal is concerned about the potential effects that this new round of cuts may have on the school's ability to meet student needs and attain its goals for improved achievement. Although student scores on state assessments are slightly better overall than those of some other nearby elementary schools, student performance on the assessments has shown little or no improvement in recent years, and scores for some student subgroups have actually been on the decline. Since receiving news of the impending 4-percent budget cut, the principal has spent considerable time reviewing the current school budget and trying to identify strategies for reducing spending in ways that will minimize the impact of new cuts on the instructional program. It soon becomes apparent, however, that there will be no easy or painless answers. The principal decides to create a committee to assist in making decisions about budget cuts. The principal will chair the committee, which will include faculty, staff, and parent/guardian representatives.

14. After decisions about budget cuts have been made and are shared with members of the faculty, many teachers express concern about their ability to meet goals for school improvement with fewer resources available to them. The principal can best address the teachers' concerns by emphasizing which of the following strategies?

  1. implementing a peer coaching model to help ensure that each teacher has ongoing support in responding to new challenges
  2. arranging regular meetings with teachers at different grade levels to explore problems the teachers are facing and options for addressing them
  3. forming a committee to review the school's current set of improvement goals and revise them to accommodate new fiscal realities
  4. giving teachers substantial control in determining where funds should be cut and where funds should be retained in their own classrooms
Correct Response: B.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of how to establish a culture of collaboration in which teamwork and problem solving about student learning and achievement are aligned to clear instructional priorities. Teachers who are struggling with classroom challenges can often be helped by engaging in reflection and conversation with colleagues who are facing similar challenges and who may be able to bring different experiences and perspectives to the problem-solving process. Therefore, of the response options provided, the principal can best respond to teacher concerns about meeting school improvement goals in the face of reduced resource availability by arranging regular opportunities for teachers at different grade levels to meet to explore the problems they are facing and options for addressing them.

Objective 0002
Instructional Leadership (Standard 2)

Use the information below to answer the question that follows.

An elementary school principal has learned that due to a decrease in state funding, all schools in the district will be required to reduce their budget by 4 percent for the following year. The school has managed to absorb a number of smaller budget cuts over the past few years without too much difficulty. However, with a budget that is already stretched thin and an increase in student enrollment in recent years, the principal is concerned about the potential effects that this new round of cuts may have on the school's ability to meet student needs and attain its goals for improved achievement. Although student scores on state assessments are slightly better overall than those of some other nearby elementary schools, student performance on the assessments has shown little or no improvement in recent years, and scores for some student subgroups have actually been on the decline. Since receiving news of the impending 4-percent budget cut, the principal has spent considerable time reviewing the current school budget and trying to identify strategies for reducing spending in ways that will minimize the impact of new cuts on the instructional program. It soon becomes apparent, however, that there will be no easy or painless answers. The principal decides to create a committee to assist in making decisions about budget cuts. The principal will chair the committee, which will include faculty, staff, and parent/guardian representatives.

15. Soon after budget cuts are implemented the following school year, the principal begins hearing from various school staff about the effects of the cuts. Which of the following comments should cause the most concern?

  1. Comment from a fifth-grade teacher: "With less assistance from classroom aides, some students who should be receiving special academic help are frequently unable to get it."
  2. Comment from the school media specialist: "Lack of funds for computer repair has meant that nearly one-quarter of the computers that should be available for student use are currently out of service."
  3. Comment from a second-grade teacher: "Since we were unable to obtain the additional math materials we had planned to purchase, I've had to adapt many math activities to facilitate student sharing of resources."
  4. Comment from the school counselor: "Without any administrative support, I'm spending significantly more time than before on tasks like scheduling meetings and keeping student records up to date."
Correct Response: A.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of the importance of ensuring the use of practices with proven effectiveness in promoting academic success for students with diverse characteristics and needs. Although school budget cuts may have many undesirable consequences, a principal should be most concerned about those that have a direct negative effect on students' ability to achieve and keep up academically. Therefore, of the response options provided, the principal should be most concerned about the comment from a fifth-grade teacher who notes that with less assistance from classroom aides, some students who should be receiving special academic help are frequently unable to get it.

Directions for the Video Assignment

This section of the test contains three multiple-choice questions related to a video that you will view on the screen.

The video will automatically begin playing once you advance to the next screen. There will be 90 seconds of blank air time before an image appears. During these 90 seconds, you should familiarize yourself with the classroom context of the video and the test questions.

Once the video begins, you will NOT be able to pause, stop, or replay it. Therefore, watch and listen carefully.

Sample Video Assignment

On each test, examinees will watch a video of a classroom teacher providing instruction to a group of students, and then respond to three multiple-choice questions about the teacher's performance. The video may depict a whole-class lesson, a teacher working with a small group of students, or a teacher helping an individual student one-on-one. Before watching the video, examinees will have an opportunity to read a short paragraph describing the context of the lesson and review the multiple-choice questions accompanying the video. Once the video is completed, examinees will respond to the three questions.