Study Guide

Field 071: Middle School Science
Sample Multiple-Choice Questions

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The following reference material will be available to you during the test:

Domain I—Scientific Processes, Scientific Connections, and Engineering Design

Objective 0001
Apply knowledge of scientific processes.

1. Scientists have studied the effects of a volcanic eruption on an ecosystem and have prepared a paper for submission to a peer-reviewed scientific journal. Which of the following reasons is the primary purpose of having research papers peer-reviewed prior to publication?

  1. to determine if the hypotheses presented in the paper are true
  2. to make sure that the methods used match those from other papers
  3. to ensure that the paper covers a topic that has not been investigated before
  4. to confirm that any conclusions presented in the paper are well supported by data and evidence
Correct Response: D.
When a scientific article is peer-reviewed, other experts in the field read it. These reviewers evaluate whether the authors have followed accepted scientific practices for investigation and research. Additionally, they review whether the researchers have analyzed data accurately and have drawn appropriate conclusions.

Objective 0002
Demonstrate knowledge of scientific, technological, engineering, and mathematical concepts and their interrelationships and applications.

2. The organization of the periodic table in the 1800s was based on observation of which of the following unifying characteristics of the known elements?

  1. patterns of reactivity with other elements
  2. functional properties related to atomic structure
  3. stability of nuclei with regard to formation of isotopes
  4. energy emitted as electrons move to lower orbitals
Correct Response: A.
The periodic table is organized by periods and by groups. For metals, reactivity decreases from left to right across periods. Additionally, it increases going down a group. In non-metals, reactivity increases from left to right across periods and decreases going down a group.

Objective 0003
Apply knowledge of the nature and process of engineering design.

3. A teacher challenges students to build a boat that can hold as much weight as possible without sinking. Which of the following criteria will be the most important in a design that meets the project's goals?

  1. shape of the boat
  2. density of material used to make the boat
  3. size of the boat
  4. resistance of the boat to corrosion
Correct Response: A.
For an object to float, its density must be less than that of water. Calculating the density of a boat includes consideration of the masses not only of the materials used, but also of the enclosed air and the freight being carried. The shape of the boat's structure is key in distributing air efficiently enough for the boat to float.

Domain II—Physical Sciences

Objective 0004
Demonstrate knowledge of the structure and properties of matter.

4. Which of the following characteristics would determine if a certain food is acidic?

  1. sour taste
  2. touching results in a slippery feeling
  3. bitter taste
  4. touching results in chalky feeling
Correct Response: A.
General characteristics of acids include a pH lower than 7 and a sour taste. Examples of sour-tasting acidic foods are lemon juice and vinegar.

Objective 0005
Apply knowledge of forces, motion, and energy.

5. Use the graph below to answer the question that follows.


A graph is shown with the X axis labeled time in seconds. The intervals of 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 seconds are marked. The Y axis is labeled speed in meters per second and speeds of 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 meters per second are marked. On the graph, a horizontal line extends from 0 to 5 seconds at 4 meters per second. The line then drops steadily to the right from 5 to 10 seconds, to a speed of 2 meters per second. The line then extends horizontally at 2 meters per second to the 15-second marker. The line then rises steadily from 15 to 20 seconds to a speed of approximately 5 meters per second. The line then drops steadily to the right from 20 to approximately 25 seconds, ending at a speed of approximately 2 point 5 meters per second.

The graph represents the speed of a biker over a period of time. At which of the following times is the biker moving at a constant speed?

  1. 2 seconds
  2. 6 seconds
  3. 18 seconds
  4. 22 seconds
Correct Response: A.
On the given graph, time in seconds is shown on the x-axis and speed in meters per second is shown on the y-axis. When the biker is moving at a constant speed, the y value of the graph will remain constant as time continues. This will result in a flat line. At the speed of 4 m/s, a horizontal line is shown from 0 to 5 seconds.

Objective 0006
Apply knowledge of waves and electromagnetism.

6. A stereo speaker plays a high-pitched noise at a constant volume that gradually transitions into a low-pitched noise. In this situation, which of the following properties of the sound wave decreased over time?

  1. amplitude
  2. velocity
  3. frequency
  4. period
Correct Response: C.
The pitch of a sound is determined by the frequency of the sound wave. Frequency refers to the number of wave cycles in one second. A high-pitched sound has a higher frequency than a low-pitched sound.

Domain III—Earth and Space Science

Objective 0007
Demonstrate knowledge of space.

7. A celestial body is most likely to be characterized as a terrestrial planet rather than a Jovian planet if that body has a relatively:

  1. high density.
  2. deep atmosphere.
  3. fast surface rotation.
  4. large hydrogen composition.
Correct Response: A.
The planets in our solar system are either terrestrial (rocky) or Jovian (gaseous). The terrestrial planets contain heavier elements, such as iron, than the Jovian planets, which contain primarily hydrogen and helium and are therefore less dense.

Objective 0008
Demonstrate knowledge of Earth's origin and geologic processes.

8. Island arcs, such as the Japanese archipelago and the Aleutian Islands, are relatively common landforms that form as a result of which of the following geologic processes?

  1. the uplift of seafloor when tectonic plates of the same density collide
  2. the subduction of one oceanic tectonic plate beneath another
  3. the collision of an oceanic tectonic plate with a continental tectonic plate
  4. the tension released as one tectonic plate slides past another
Correct Response: B.
In the case of the Aleutian Islands, the Pacific plate moved under the less dense North American plate. The subducted Pacific plate began to melt and the hot molten rock pushed upwards, giving rise to a series of volcanoes that formed the islands.

Objective 0009
Apply knowledge of Earth's systems, weather, and climate.

9. Which of the following trends would be the result of increased carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere?

  1. increasing the amount of acid rain
  2. increasing the nitrogen levels in the soil
  3. increasing the evaporative cooling effect
  4. increasing the levels of hydrogen ions in the ocean
Correct Response: D.
When excess carbon dioxide (CO2) is absorbed by the ocean, it reacts with water (H2O) to form carbonic acid (H2CO3), which then dissociates into a hydrogen ion (H+) and a bicarbonate ion (HCO3-). These hydrogen ions lower the pH of the ocean, leading to its acidification.

Objective 0010
Apply knowledge of natural resources and their uses, natural events, and human impacts on the environment.

10. Which of the following factors contributes to the greatest immediate threat to life and property along the coastline during a hurricane?

  1. heavy rain
  2. wind speed
  3. storm surge
  4. freshwater contamination
Correct Response: C.
A storm surge can accompany a hurricane, starting even before the main action of the hurricane strikes. In a storm surge, coastal water rushes onshore rapidly, causing severe flooding, property destruction, and death to humans and animals.

Domain IV—Life Science

Objective 0011
Apply knowledge of the structure and function of viruses and living organisms.

11. Which of the following examples is a result of a positive homeostasis feedback response in a human body?

  1. Insulin production increases with high blood sugar levels.
  2. Sweating increases to cool the body during an extensive exercise workout.
  3. Oxytocin production increases with childbirth contractions, which stimulate more oxytocin.
  4. Shivering increases during an outside walk in the winter when an animal is exposed to cold temperatures.
Correct Response: C.
In a positive feedback response, the end-product of a reaction causes the reaction to increase by amplifying that reaction. In this case, the contractions of childbirth stimulate the release of the hormone oxytocin. Oxytocin then stimulates further contractions, helping the process of birth to progress.

Objective 0012
Apply knowledge of reproduction and inheritance.

12. The DNA sequence of TAC will correspond to which of the following RNA codons during protein synthesis?

  1. UAC
  2. GCA
  3. AUG
  4. CGT
Correct Response: C.
Transcription is the first process of protein synthesis. In transcription, a strand of mRNA is formed through complementary base-pairing to a DNA template. The DNA bases adenine (A), cytosine (C), thymine (T), and guanine (G) correspond to specific RNA bases. The DNA base A pairs with the RNA base U, C pairs with G, T pairs with A, and G pairs with C. There is no T in RNA, instead the base uracil (U) is used.

Objective 0013
Apply knowledge of biological evolution and ecosystem function.

13. Which of the following observational data best supports the scientific theory of evolution?

  1. Cheetahs can outrun their antelope prey.
  2. Giraffes grow to be a similar height as their parents.
  3. Sardines seek out high concentrations of small plankton to consume.
  4. Baleen whales develop teeth as an embryo that are later absorbed during embryotic development.
Correct Response: D.
Baleen are bristly proteinous plates used by toothless whales to filter ocean water for food. The observation that baleen whales develop teeth as embryos, and then absorb them, provides evidence of common ancestry with toothed whales and therefore evidence of evolution.

Domain V—Instruction and Assessment

Objective 0014
Apply knowledge of standards and instructional strategies.

14. Students are reviewing cell structures and their functions. Which of the following activities would encourage creative thinking while providing students with a way to demonstrate understanding of this material?

  1. utilizing an interactive computer program to explore the role of specific structure of cell organelles and their corresponding functions
  2. developing a series of analogies comparing the function of some cell organelles to the function of everyday objects in the home
  3. examining a variety of plant and animal cells using a microscope and preparing a written description of differences in structures
  4. participating in a matching game during class in which the correct structure is matched with its function in order to earn points
Correct Response: B.
Using analogies to everyday objects in describing the functions of cell organelles is a strategy that helps move student thinking from the known to the unknown. For example, considering how a plastic container is used to store food can help students conceptualize the function of a cell vacuole.

Objective 0014
Apply knowledge of standards and instructional strategies.

15. In the conclusion section of a lab report a student states that an increase in the biomass of a bean plant is the direct result of nutrients taken up by the roots of the plant. This statement indicates the student's misconception about which of the following processes?

  1. respiration
  2. photosynthesis
  3. transpiration
  4. nutrition
Correct Response: B.
Plants do absorb some needed nutrients through their roots. However, the majority of increase in a plant's biomass comes from the process of photosynthesis. In this process, plants use carbon dioxide and water to produce oxygen and the carbohydrates that will add to their biomass.