Study Guide

Field 067: Physical Education
Sample Multiple-Choice Questions

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Objective 0001
Physical and Motor Development (Standard 1)

1. Which of the following practice strategies is most likely to result in improved game performance of open motor skills?

  1. breaking skills into discrete components and practicing components separately
  2. practicing skills in different situations and under a variety of different conditions
  3. repeating the movements associated with skills until they become reflexive
  4. practicing skills under simple, controlled conditions until mastered
Correct Response: B.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge and application of motor learning concepts such as feedback, readiness, practice, retention, observational learning, transfer of learning, and motor task analysis. Open motor skills are performed in changing or unpredictable environments; the skills are predominantly perceptual and externally paced. Movements must be continuously adapted as conditions change (e.g., the position of other players, ball speed and trajectory), which requires developing and refining tactical, anticipatory, and reaction skills. Practice of open motor skills is best accomplished in different game-like situations and under a variety of conditions.

Objective 0002
Physiological and Mechanical Bases of Movement (Standard 2)

Use the diagram of the skeletal system to answer the questions that follow.

2. The bone labeled 1 in the diagram is the:

  1. fibula.
  2. ulna.
  3. radius.
  4. humerus.
Correct Response: D.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of the structures, components, actions, and functions of major body systems. In the diagram of the bones of the arm, the bone labeled 1 is the humerus. The humerus is the long bone of the arm that extends from the shoulder to the elbow.

3. What type of joint is indicated by number 2 in the diagram?

  1. pivot
  2. gliding
  3. hinge
  4. ball and socket
Correct Response: C.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of the structures, components, actions, and functions of major body systems. The elbow functions mainly as a hinge, allowing flexion and extension of the arm. The elbow joint is formed by three bones—the humerus of the upper arm and the bones of the forearm, the radius and the ulna. Hinge joints, such as the elbow, are composed of a convex surface on one bone that fits into a concave surface on another, a structure that permits motion in one plane only.

Objective 0003
Personal, Social, Cognitive, and Professional Dimensions of Physical Education (Standard 6)

4. Which of the following teacher strategies would be most appropriate to incorporate regularly into middle school classes in order to foster positive social behaviors and respect for diversity in physical education students?

  1. dividing the class into two large teams with equal numbers of boys and girls for games and sports
  2. addressing the whole class about behavior problems especially when exhibited by a small group of students
  3. forming teams using random selection procedures and engaging students in small-sided games and group challenges
  4. refraining from addressing small conflicts and discipline problems and allowing students to use their conflict resolution skills
Correct Response: C.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of ways in which sports and recreational/lifetime activities promote positive personal and social behaviors. Interactions among students during group sports and physical activities can contribute to students' development of social skills and recognition of the contributions of diverse individuals. Group challenges encourage understanding and development of teamwork strategies that value cooperation, planning, and listening and communication skills in pursuit of a shared goal. Small-sided games promote the active participation of all members, familiarize students with different positions and tactics, and encourage recognition that everyone can contribute to achieving a goal and that everyone's contribution is important. Using random methods to select teams and groups is likely to promote equity, encourage interactions between many different individuals, and contribute to recognition of the value and acceptance of differences.

5. In an elementary physical education class, students are participating in tarp challenge activities. The class is divided into small teams; each team is assigned to a colorful tarp and a section of the gymnasium. Students in each team stand on their tarp, and the teacher issues various challenges, such as the following.

Without stepping off your tarps:

These challenge activities are most likely designed to promote students':

  1. cooperation and problem-solving skills.
  2. creativity and individual goal-setting skills.
  3. mutual support and trust-building skills.
  4. leadership and self-reliance skills.
Correct Response: A.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of the cognitive dimensions of physical activity and ways in which participation in sports and recreational/lifetime activities can promote critical thinking, decision making, problem solving, goal setting, and conflict management and resolution. Tarp challenges such as those described are effective team-building activities for promoting cooperation and problem solving. Listening and communication skills are used as students work together to solve specific tasks as a unit. Students must first clarify the common goal of each challenge and then engage in collaborative decision making and critical thinking to complete each task.

Objective 0004
Movement Forms, Patterns, and Concepts (Standard 3)

6. Use the illustration below of a student performing a leap to answer the question that follows.

Which of the following teacher recommendations would best improve the student's performance of the skill?

  1. "Avoid straightening your legs during the flight phase."
  2. "Place your arms in opposition to your legs."
  3. "Focus your eyes on your lead foot during the leap."
  4. "Take off and land on the same foot."
Correct Response: B.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of principles, strategies, and skill progressions for helping students develop locomotor, nonlocomotor, and object control/manipulative skills and use these skills in combination. Forward and backward arm swings in opposition to forward and backward leg movements counterbalance the twisting motion that is created by the leg thrust on either side of the body's vertical axis. Arm swings also transfer momentum to the student's body as a whole to help drive the student forward and upward. Executing the arm swings in opposition during a leap contributes to balance and creates greater momentum.

7. A physical education teacher teaches a group of high school students a 32-beat dance-movement sequence and has them practice it to a popular song until they have learned the sequence. Next, the students dance the sequence a few times to a country-western song, then to a salsa song, and, finally, to a piece of classical music written in 4/4 time. This activity could most effectively be used to encourage students' development of the ability to:

  1. interpret music by varying personal movement style.
  2. recognize rhythmic variations in movement patterns.
  3. express themselves by improvising movement patterns.
  4. analyze the relationship between movement and meaning.
Correct Response: A.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of key concepts, techniques, skill progressions, activities, organizational strategies, safety practices, and types of music for promoting development of rhythmic, creative movement, and dance skills. Different styles of music can provide different tempos, rhythmic patterns, energies, and qualities and so are likely to suggest different qualities of movement for anyone who is moving to them. Even if the movement involves the same choreography, the execution of the choreographed movements can vary in the range, force, and flow that are used in shaping body parts and locomotor pathways, and the energy used in gestures and steps. Such variations would reflect different interpretations of the movement pattern.

Objective 0005
Sports and Recreational/Lifetime Activities (Standard 4)

8. To avoid being fooled by feints when closely guarding an offensive basketball player who has the ball, the defender should focus on the offensive player's:

  1. hips.
  2. feet.
  3. head.
  4. hands.
Correct Response: A.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of critical elements, techniques, and proper form for executing a variety of sports and recreational/lifetime activities. The movement of a basketball player's hips is most likely to indicate intention to and direction of travel. By focusing on an offensive player's waist and hips, a defender is less likely to be susceptible to feints that make him or her move or lean in the wrong direction and allow the offensive player to gain a step or two. It is more difficult to fake a defender out of position with the hips than with hand, foot, or arm movements, or by turning the head and eyes.

Objective 0006
Health-Related Physical Fitness (Standard 5)

9. Which of the following situations best illustrates an appropriate application of the physical fitness training principle of specificity in a physical education class?

  1. Students begin class with static stretches for the arms, legs, back, and trunk designed to isolate specific joints and increase flexibility.
  2. Students participate in a cardiorespiratory activity of their choice until they reach a target heart rate of between 65 and 75 percent of maximum heart rate.
  3. Students cool down by doing dynamic stretching followed by static stretching, trying to gradually increase their joint range of motion beyond previous levels.
  4. Students participate in a low-intensity cardiorespiratory warm-up activity that targets the same muscles that will be used in the main class activity.
Correct Response: D.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of principles, skills, techniques, activities, safety practices, and resources for developing, monitoring, and improving cardiorespiratory endurance and muscle fitness. The physiological adaptations the body makes to the stress created by exercise are highly specific to the type of activity being performed. The principle of specificity states that to improve performance, training must stress the physiological systems that are involved in the performance situation. A warm-up that targets the muscles involved in a particular planned activity will best prepare the muscles for optimal performance in that activity.

10. A high school student runs four miles at a moderate pace four days a week. Which of the following modifications to this physical activity routine is most likely to improve the student's level of cardiorespiratory fitness?

  1. adding resistance training for thirty minutes twice a week after running
  2. sprinting several times at maximum speed for short intervals during runs
  3. substituting cycling or stair climbing for one or two training sessions
  4. running the same distance on one more day every week
Correct Response: B.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of principles, criteria, resources, and methods for designing, implementing, and monitoring individualized fitness plans. Interval training briefly increases the intensity of a workout to a level that may not be sustainable for a longer time, prompting the body's development of aerobic training adaptations. An interval workout alternates short periods of higher-intensity exercise with periods of lower-intensity work or rest. During a run, a series of high-speed sprints interspersed with running at a moderate pace can provide effective interval training.

Objective 0007
Foundations of Physical Education (Standard 7)

11. The Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) physical education model is characterized by which of the following approaches?

  1. providing students with a balance of fitness, sports, aquatic, rhythmic and dance activities, and games to spark interest in lifelong physical activity
  2. promoting students' awareness and use of personally and socially responsible behaviors and skills in the context of cooperative games and team activities
  3. providing students with skill-based and team-oriented game experiences in the context of organized sport "seasons" within the physical education setting
  4. promoting students' decision-making, problem-solving, and tactical awareness and skills in the context of games and sports that share similar objectives
Correct Response: D.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of the organization, structure, and goals of physical education programs. One focus of the game-centered TGfU model is placing the student in a game situation where tactics, decision making, and problem solving are critical. The model emphasizes the development of game sense and generating greater understanding of all aspects of games, while increasing physical activity levels, engagement, motivation, and enjoyment in physical education lessons.

Objective 0008
Physical Education Instruction and Assessment (Standard 8)

12. A physical education teacher is working with first-grade students on fundamental movement concepts and skills. Which of the following movement challenges would best promote students' understanding of the concept of personal space?

  1. "Use an imaginary paintbrush to paint a bubble around yourself. Remember that your bubble will burst if it touches anything. Move your bubble around the room without allowing it to burst."
  2. "You have an imaginary basketball in your hands. Dribble the ball with your left hand in a small circle, then dribble the ball with your right hand around the same circle."
  3. "Imagine you have a bowl of water balanced on top of your head. Walk forward and show me how you would go under a bridge that is the same height as your head without spilling any water."
  4. "Imagine you are a puppy that just came inside out of the rain. Show me how you would move to get all the water off of your fur."
Correct Response: A.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of how to design and implement learning experiences that are appropriate for students and based on principles of effective instruction. The movement challenge described in response A would be particularly effective for fostering students' understanding of personal space because it defines the movement concept (space surrounding a student's body) and involves students in a creative movement experience that explores personal space versus general space. The activity requires students to control their bodies while moving and avoiding touching others or objects, and highlights the difference between personal space and general space (space within a room or boundary).

Objective 0009
Instructional Adaptations and Modifications for Students with Disabilities (Standard 9)

13. An elementary physical education teacher learns that a student with Asperger syndrome is enrolled in one of the teacher's classes for the new school year. The teacher would like to make preliminary plans for establishing an appropriate learning environment for this student. Which of the following approaches would be most appropriate for the teacher to consider implementing?

  1. maintaining consistent class procedures and activity schedules and discussing variations and adjustments with the student before they happen
  2. offering unstructured time at the end of each class period so the student can participate in an activity of his or her choice
  3. pairing the student on a rotating basis with different peer helpers who can explain movement tasks and physically assist the student when needed
  4. varying instructional materials, displays, activity stations, and equipment frequently to maintain the student's interest and attention
Correct Response: A.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of principles and techniques for adapting and modifying curriculum, instructional approaches, behavior management strategies, equipment, playing areas, and organizational strategies to support individual student needs. Students with Asperger syndrome generally benefit from consistency in routines, environments, and interactions. Novel situations or unexpected changes in schedules and activities can cause anxiety, discomfort, and frustration. Providing a predictable environment by using consistent classroom procedures and schedules and telling the student about changes ahead of time is likely to help the student experience success in the physical education setting.

14. Which of the following adaptations to net/wall activities such as paddle ball, table tennis, and tennis would be most appropriate for promoting the inclusion and enjoyment of students with physical and motor coordination challenges?

  1. requiring a higher winning score
  2. using paddles or rackets with smaller contact areas
  3. allowing the ball to bounce twice
  4. using heavier paddles or rackets with longer handles
Correct Response: C.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of barriers to accessibility to physical activity and strategies for creating variations and accommodations in classroom procedures, games, activities, and sports to ensure the inclusion of students with disabilities. Net and wall activities such as tennis involve many different movement patterns and skills that often take years to develop and master. Developmentally appropriate games and activities such as paddleball, table tennis, handball, four-square, and other modified activities help students develop hand/eye coordination, tracking, body position, timing, and correct striking form. Permitting the ball to bounce twice rather than once in these types of activities allows more time for students with physical and motor coordination challenges to execute skills, and reduces pressures related to following regulation game rules.

Objective 0010
Collaborative, Professional, and Ethical Practice (Standard 10)

15. Which of the following types of cooperative learning projects would be most appropriate for fostering secondary physical education students' ability to advocate for increased physical activity in their own lives and in the lives of family members?

  1. creating social media campaigns to highlight physical activity opportunities at local or state parks and recreation areas and health benefits derived from those activities
  2. designing an online system of group-based discounts or daily deals related to physical activity and recreation that are activated when a certain number of purchases is reached
  3. contacting regional service organizations to determine whether they are planning any fundraising events involving physical activity and making a plan to participate
  4. conducting research on popular health and fitness blogs and determining which bloggers offer the most reliable and useful information on achieving fitness
Correct Response: A.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of connections between physical education and other subject areas and methods for designing cooperative interdisciplinary learning experiences that allow students to integrate knowledge and skills from multiple subject areas. Having students create social media campaigns to highlight opportunities, resources, and benefits related to using local and state parks and recreation areas allows students to use a variety of skills from multiple subject areas (e.g., visual art, language arts, geography) while advocating for increased physical activity in daily life.