Study Guide

Field 020: Middle School English Language Arts
Sample Multiple-Choice Questions

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Objective 0001
Foundations of Reading (Standard 1)

1. Which of the following phonological developments would most typically occur during the middle grades?

  1. Students begin to recognize words that violate rules of English syllabication.
  2. Students are better able to discriminate words spoken in a noisy environment.
  3. Students master the pronunciation of the phonetic spellings of most words.
  4. Students are able to distinguish individual allophones within most words.
Correct Response: B.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of oral language development and the development of phonological and phonemic awareness. Phonological awareness is a broad skill involving the ability to perceive and manipulate spoken sounds at the phoneme, syllable, and word level. It is an essential precursor to learning to read. Research has shown that students' ability to perceive speech affects their acquisition of phonological awareness and of reading skills. In classrooms with high levels of background noise (e.g., traffic, ventilation systems, fluorescent lighting) and poor acoustics, young children may have difficulty perceiving speech. As a result, they may also have difficulty acquiring phonological awareness. Research has also shown that speech perception in noisy environments improves as children age; the ability to focus on speech amid background noise is typically fully developed when children reach the age of 13–15.

Objective 0001
Foundations of Reading (Standard 1)

2. Which of the following pairs of words entered the English language from the French language?

  1. waltz, eiderdown
  2. folio, orchestra
  3. passport, province
  4. harmonica, balcony
Correct Response: C.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of the historical, social, cultural, regional, and technological influences that have helped shape words and phrases in the English language. Thousands of French words entered the English language during French rule of England that began after the Norman Conquest in 1066. The origin of the English word passport is the Middle French word passeport, which was formed by combining the French verb passer (to pass) with the French noun port (port). The English word province comes from Anglo-French, a dialect of medieval French.

Objective 0001
Foundations of Reading (Standard 1)

3. Sight words can most accurately be defined as words that:

  1. can be read without intentional decoding.
  2. appear most frequently in print texts.
  3. lack normal letter–sound correspondence.
  4. follow general spelling rules.
Correct Response: A.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of the development of phonics and other word-identification skills. A sight word is a word that a reader is able to recognize without intentional decoding. Research indicates that readers learn most sight words primarily through phonics, though they may also use visual memory. The ability to recognize sight words enhances reading comprehension and fluency.

Objective 0002
Reading Informational and Persuasive Texts (Standard 2)

4. Use the excerpt below from the index of a nonfiction book to answer the question that follows.

A reader could locate additional relevant information about Ben Jonson in the book by:

  1. looking up the word playwright in the glossary.
  2. cross-referencing "Jonson" with mentions of "imprisonment."
  3. consulting the "playwrights" entry in the index.
  4. looking in the table of contents for titles of Jonson's works.
Correct Response: C.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of organizational features, formats, and structures of informational and persuasive texts, such as an index, a sidebar, schematics, and classification–division and problem–solution structures. Standard indexes in informational texts often contain cross-references that point a reader to another index entry that might provide them with information related to the original topic. In the index provided, the note "See also playwrights" indicates that additional information about Ben Jonson can be found in the index under that entry.

Objective 0002
Reading Informational and Persuasive Texts (Standard 2)

5. Use the excerpt below from a persuasive speech to answer the question that follows.

I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past. And judging by the past, I wish to know what there has been in the conduct of the British ministry for the last ten years to justify those hopes with which gentlemen have been pleased to solace themselves and the house? Is it that insidious smile with which our petition has been lately received? Trust it not, sir; it will prove a snare to your feet. Suffer not yourselves to be betrayed with a kiss. Ask yourselves how this gracious reception of our petition comports with those warlike preparations which cover our waters and darken our land. Are fleets and armies necessary to a work of love and reconciliation? Have we shown ourselves so unwilling to be reconciled that force must be called in to win back our love? Let us not deceive ourselves, sir. These are the implements of war and subjugation—the last arguments to which kings resort.

In the excerpt, an extended metaphor is used primarily to:

  1. appeal to listeners' desire for reconciliation.
  2. present an objective point of view.
  3. question the authority of the British ministry.
  4. establish the speaker's credibility.
Correct Response: D.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate the ability to determine the reliability, objectivity, and credibility of sources used in an informational or a persuasive text. One way a speaker establishes credibility is by demonstrating expertise in a given subject. In the excerpt, the speaker uses the extended metaphor of the lamp to refer to his experience dealing with the British ministry.

Objective 0003
Reading Literary Texts (Standard 3)

6. Which of the following excerpts from works of poetry illustrates the use of iambic pentameter?

  1. When I do count the clock that tells the time
  2. Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more,
  3. Seals of love, but sealed in vain, sealed in vain.
  4. Oh mistress mine! where are you roaming?
Correct Response: A.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of structural elements of literary texts, such as exposition, denouement, blank verse, and iambic pentameter. Iambic pentameter is a common metrical pattern in English poetry. The line "When I do count the clock that tells the time" contains five pairs of syllables, or feet, each with an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable, as shown below.

Whěn ĺ | dŏ cóunt | thě clóck | thăt télls | thě tíme

Objective 0003
Reading Literary Texts (Standard 3)

7. Which of the following excerpts from a short story best illustrates the use of foreshadowing?

  1. He had taken a dreary road, darkened by all the gloomiest trees of the forest, which barely stood aside to let the narrow path creep through, and closed immediately behind.
  2. There was one voice, of a young woman, uttering lamentations, yet with an uncertain sorrow, and entreating for some favor, which, perhaps, it would grieve her to obtain; and all the unseen multitude, both saints and sinners, seemed to encourage her onward.
  3. Hardly had he spoken when he found himself amid calm night and solitude, listening to a roar of the wind which died heavily away through the forest.
  4. It was all as lonely as could be; and there is this peculiarity in such a solitude, that the traveller knows not who may be concealed by the innumerable trunks and the thick boughs overhead; so that with lonely footsteps he may yet be passing through an unseen multitude.
Correct Response: D.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of literary and rhetorical devices and techniques used in literary texts, such as flashback, foreshadowing, imagery, symbolism, soliloquy, and metaphor. Foreshadowing is a literary device used to suggest that something as yet unknown will occur later in a narrative. Modals such as may, might, would, and should can indicate foreshadowing, as in the phrases "the traveller knows not who may be concealed" and "he may yet be passing through an unseen multitude." These phrases suggest that the unknown and the unseen will be revealed later in the story.

Objective 0004
Components of Writing (Standard 4)

8. Which of the following sentences contains an error in punctuation?

  1. My favorite team is the Indiana Pacers; Reggie Miller is still my favorite player.
  2. Rolling and snapping, the alligator lunged at me; I was so frightened that I froze.
  3. Climbing a mountain is great exercise; I climb a different one every other weekend.
  4. The farmer soon realized the barn door was open however; the horses had escaped.
Correct Response: D.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of conventions of spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. A semicolon joins two independent clauses to form one sentence. When a semicolon is used with a transition such as however, the semicolon is placed before the transition, and the clauses on either side of the semicolon continue to function as independent clauses.

Objective 0004
Components of Writing (Standard 4)

9. Use the excerpt below from a writing sample to answer the question that follows.

1It's a rainy Sunday, and you're looking for something to do with your friends. 2You can't agree on a television show or a movie to watch, or even a video game to play. 3It's time to bring out the old standby board games and let the fun begin. 4________________________________________ 5Board games are a low-tech means to engage in healthy competition and cheerful social interaction. 6Long before computer games, TV game shows, or even radio quiz shows were invented, board games were entertaining people around the globe.

Which of the following sentences, if inserted as Sentence 4, would best support a logical development of the central idea?

  1. Most board games involve opposing players competing for points, either individually or in teams of two or more.
  2. Whether you play a game of chance, a trivia game, or a classic word game your intellect and funny bone will be stimulated.
  3. Learning the rules of any type of game may not take long, but developing a sense of strategy can take years of practice.
  4. Video games present an alternate reality where players can be heroes or villains in highly sophisticated, often violent plots.
Correct Response: B.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of methods of drafting, revising, editing, and proofreading texts, such as presenting key points logically, eliminating distracting details, and varying sentence length and structure. The central idea of the paragraph is that board games have long provided healthy competition and entertainment to people around the world. A sentence about different kinds of games and the different kinds of stimulation they provide would best support development of that idea.

Objective 0005
Modes of Writing (Standard 5)

10. A student is developing a descriptive essay about hiking. Which of the following versions of a paragraph from the essay uses sensory details most effectively to convey a vivid image of the student's hiking experiences?

  1. Hiking is incredibly difficult. Constant steep ascents and descents are tough on the knees. Mosquitoes and other insects are an incredible nuisance, making hiking even more unpleasant. Having to think about rationing water is really distracting. The possibility of animals attacking is an additional anxiety-provoking aspect of hiking. Boulders and craters do not favor the hiker; indeed, they are obstacles that make hiking that much more unpleasant.
  2. Hiking is a Sisyphean task, a grinding repetition of a grueling act, a constant strain on mind and body. Hiking in hot weather is like being wrapped in a woolen blanket in a sweat lodge. The only luxury comes from tasting cool water trickle from a canteen down the back of one's throat. The summit appears at the perfect time, just before the body has surrendered to exhaustion.
  3. Hiking can be perceived as an easy hobby, but it is not. Hiking requires constant difficult maneuvering and extensive stamina. Hiking up a mountain requires determination. Having the endurance to hike up a steep mountain is an incredible ability. Understanding navigation and rescue techniques is also crucial. Hiking can be dangerous, so hikers must be prepared for any type of weather or medical emergency.
  4. Hiking up a mountain path on a cool but sunny afternoon is inspirational. Branches crunch under well-worn leather hiking boots. Startled gray squirrels resemble blurred plumes of smoke as they scamper over pine needles and click-clack claw their way up tree trunks. The sharp scent of pine, the circling of a distant hawk in a cloudless sky, provide incentive to climb on in spite of lengthening shadows. At the summit, delicate alpine flowers nod in greeting.
Correct Response: D.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of methods of incorporating multiple and various sensory details, such as humming electric fan and cool wet clay, in descriptive and narrative writing. Sensory detail enhances descriptive writing by evoking vivid images and sensations. In the paragraph, the reader can hear the crunch of branches and the "click-clack" of squirrels' claws on a tree. The squirrels' resemblance to "blurred plumes of smoke" creates a vivid visual image, as does "the circling of a distant hawk in a cloudless sky." The "sharp scent of pine" further enhances the reader's sensory experience.

Objective 0005
Modes of Writing (Standard 5)

11. A student is developing an essay in which she will argue that the primary method of public school funding—property taxes in individual school districts—should be amended to provide all schools with equal funding. As part of the essay, the student will respond to critics' claims that property taxes should not be redistributed to schools outside a district unless the schools can demonstrate gains in student achievement. Which of the following responses to these claims would be most effective for the student to use in the essay?

  1. Underfunded schools make significant educational sacrifices that affect students' ability to learn. For example, poor schools cannot afford basic lab supplies, so hands-on learners suffer. Wealthier schools provide not only lab supplies, but laptop computers as well.
  2. In areas where property taxes are higher, schools receive more funding, and the schools are better, so they are more attractive to parents/guardians. People move into the area, thus generating even more funding from property taxes. Taxes from area businesses also contribute to funding local schools.
  3. Districts should close underperforming schools and redistribute the students to surrounding schools. Doing so will provide more money and improve the overall quality of education students receive. Also, closing underperforming schools may help increase home property values.
  4. Access to more money does not mean schools offer a better education. Districts need to be mindful of how they distribute funds. All schools do not necessarily need the same improvements. Establishing a funding board is the best way to make decisions about how to apportion money appropriately.
Correct Response: A.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of methods of incorporating appropriate and effective examples, reasons, and evidence, such as relevant data and verifiable statements, in expository and persuasive writing. One way for a writer to strengthen an argument is to anticipate and address counterarguments. Strong statements in argumentative essays should be provable and specific; otherwise they are empty claims. The student's main argument is that all public schools should receive equal funding. By pointing out that underfunded schools lack basic lab supplies, the student uses a specific fact to suggest that a lack of educational resources may contribute to the achievement gap between students in underfunded school districts and those in wealthier districts. The student thus strengthens the argument in favor of equal funding for public schools while exposing the faulty reasoning behind critics' claims that underfunded schools should be required to demonstrate gains in student achievement to qualify to receive funds from another school district.

Objective 0005
Modes of Writing (Standard 5)

12. Use the excerpt below from a writing sample to answer the question that follows.

1All afternoon the solitary figure stood alone at the shoreline. 2Gentle waves lapped at his feet as he dug small craters in the sand with his heels. 3Time after time, the sea filled the craters and then receded. 4The sun slowly descended to the horizon and finally sank heavily into the sea, spraying the sky with pinks, oranges, and purples. 5The man gazed across the water as if he expected a ship to appear carrying a lost love back to him. 6__________________________________________________

Which of the following sentences, if inserted as Sentence 6, would effectively help maintain consistent diction and tone?

  1. Even the bright, smiling moon and twinkling stars could not entice the man to give up.
  2. The man remained motionless for a prolonged period, ignorant of the lunar orb above.
  3. Darkness slowly overtook the sky, lengthening the man's shadow, and still he kept his patient vigil.
  4. When the stars came out, the man remained standing, a solemn sentry at the gates to eternal love.
Correct Response: C.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of methods of incorporating appropriate and effective styles, tones, and diction, such as projecting confidence rather than boastfulness, in expository and persuasive writing. Consistent diction, or word choice, and tone are achieved when a writer chooses words and phrases that are similar in register and that work together to evoke similar images and create a particular rhythm. The figurative language and rhythm in the sentence "Darkness slowly overtook the sky, lengthening the man's shadow" reflect the language and rhythm of the other sentences in the excerpt, thus maintaining consistent diction and tone.

Objective 0006
Listening, Speaking, and Interpersonal Communication (Standard 6)

13. Which of the following verbal responses most clearly indicates that active listening has occurred?

  1. "Of course it's difficult to train for a marathon, but if you stick to your regimen, you'll be ready."
  2. "It sounds to me like you believe you are not getting the recognition you deserve for your hard work."
  3. "Don't get your hopes up. You're deluding yourself if you think the team is going to win the championship."
  4. "Have you done enough research for this paper? You cannot write about a subject unless you fully understand it."
Correct Response: B.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of characteristics of various types of listening and speaking, such as interviewing and empathic listening. Active listening involves carefully attending to what a speaker has to say with the intention of understanding the speaker's message. An active listener can respond to a speaker in a way that demonstrates that the speaker's message has been heard and understood. The phrase "It sounds to me" signals the speaker that the listener has been actively attending to the speaker's message. By paraphrasing the speaker's message, the listener confirms that the speaker's message has been understood.

Objective 0007
Visual Literacy and Media Presentation (Standard 7)

14. Use the photograph below to answer the question that follows.

In the photograph, which of the following elements of visual design is used to convey a sense of speed and power?

  1. line
  2. scale
  3. texture
  4. contrast
Correct Response: A.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of the ways in which elements of visual images used in media texts, such as shapes, scale, and perspective, are manipulated to emphasize or de-emphasize certain meanings and messages. Line is one element of visual composition. In the photograph, line is created by the train, the train tracks, and the overhead wires. Line draws attention to the difference in the focus in the foreground and background. In the foreground, the blurred focus of the train contrasts with the sharp focus of the tracks, revealing that the train is in motion. The blurred focus of the moving train contrasted with the sharp focus of the stationary tracks creates additional lines that convey an impression of the train's speed and power.

Objective 0008
Middle School English Language Arts Instruction and Assessment (Standard 8)

15. A seventh-grade teacher assigns students a literary nonfiction text at the high end of the range in the Grades 6–8 text complexity band in the Indiana Academic Standards for English Language Arts. According to the Standards for English Language Arts, which of the following strategies would be appropriate for the teacher to use to promote students' comprehension of the text?

  1. scaffolding instruction for students as needed as they read the text
  2. explaining to students how features in the text may affect their understanding of the text
  3. providing students with a list of vocabulary words they will encounter in the text
  4. encouraging students to ask one another for help while reading the text
Correct Response: A.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of the Indiana Academic Standards for English Language Arts. Standard 7.RN.1 states the following: "Read a variety of nonfiction within a range of complexity appropriate for grades 6–8. By the end of grade 7, students interact with text proficiently and independently at the middle of the range and with scaffolding as needed for texts at the high end of the range."