Study Guide

Field 005: Elementary Education
Sample Multiple-Choice Questions

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Objective 0001
Student Development and Diversity (Standard 1)

1. Which of the following students is most clearly demonstrating characteristics associated with high-ability learners?

  1. a kindergartner who prefers looking at books to other activities and is beginning to read simple sentences
  2. a second grader who has well-developed listening skills and requires little guidance during independent activities
  3. a fourth grader who has an extensive vocabulary and masters new content with minimal repetition or practice
  4. a sixth grader who likes to socialize and chooses small-group activities over independent work whenever possible
Correct Response: C.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of types of exceptionalities, including high ability and twice exceptional, their characteristics, and their implications for development, teaching, and learning. According to Dr. Linda Silverman, founder of the Gifted Development Center, two characteristics of gifted children are a more extensive vocabulary and memory and the ability to learn more rapidly than other children of the same age.

Objective 0002
Learning Processes (Standard 2)

2. After reading Jack and the Beanstalk to students, a third-grade teacher asks students the following series of questions about the story.

• Did Jack trespass or go into someone's house where he did not belong?
• Did Jack steal the goose that lays golden eggs?
• Did Jack refuse to give back what did not belong to him?
• Did Jack escape down the beanstalk and cause the giant to be killed?
• If Jack trespassed, stole, and caused the giant to be killed, why is the giant the villain?

This line of questioning, culminating with a question designed to create conflict and confusion, is most likely to help students develop which of the following skills?

  1. decision making
  2. reflective thinking
  3. comprehension monitoring
  4. hypothetical thinking
Correct Response: B.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of strategies for promoting students' independent thinking and learning, reflection, and higher-order thinking; and the ability to use these strategies to promote students' growth as learners. Reflective thinking is a part of the critical thinking process referring specifically to the processes of analyzing and making judgments. By asking students a "why" question that appears to be in conflict with accepted interpretations of Jack and the Beanstalk, the teacher prompts students to analyze the events of the story and make a judgment about Jack's character.

Objective 0002
Learning Processes (Standard 2)

3. Students in a fifth-grade class are beginning a long-term social studies project that has several components. The teacher recognizes that students may find it challenging to manage a complex project and has provided the class with a calendar marked with deadlines for each component. The teacher can best help students manage the project effectively by using which of the following additional strategies?

  1. creating a class checklist of students' names and the project components so that they can mark their progress in completing the project
  2. reviewing important project dates with students at the beginning and end of each week
  3. providing individual students with a personal project folder for organizing their work in progress
  4. meeting regularly with individual students throughout the project to help them review their progress and set short-term goals for completing their work
Correct Response: D.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of strategies for promoting students' organizational and time-management skills and sense of responsibility for their own learning. Meeting regularly with the students allows the teacher to guide students in areas such as estimating accurately how long a particular task is likely to take and to help them identify strategies for accomplishing particular aspects of the project. With help in setting short-term goals, students are better able to pace their learning so that they are not rushing and feeling pressured as each deadline approaches. This helps them gain a sense of control over their own learning.

Objective 0002
Learning Processes (Standard 2)

4. In which of the following classrooms is a teacher best promoting students' understanding of how technology can be used as a tool for learning?

  1. Kindergarten students listen to audio recordings of alliterative poems during their daily rest periods.
  2. First-grade students use the Internet to locate real-time weather data for their community and a community in another region to compare climate differences.
  3. Second-grade students are allowed to use drawing software on classroom computers when they finish assignments early.
  4. Third-grade students as a class visit the school computer center each week to practice basic multiplication facts.
Correct Response: B.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of how digital-age tools and environments influence learning processes and outcomes. The first-grade students are using the Internet to actively participate in a purposeful and complex learning experience that involves higher-order thinking. Embedding technology into the weather assignment helps students view the technology as another tool, similar to a thermometer or rain gauge, that they can use to help them gather and use information to accomplish a particular task.

Objective 0003
Learning Environment (Standard 5)

5. An elementary school teacher encourages students to identify a topic of interest to investigate when they have completed their work. Periodically, the teacher has students share what they are learning with the class. This approach is likely to have which of the following benefits?

  1. helping students become self-motivated in the pursuit of learning
  2. improving students' ability to synthesize information from multiple sources
  3. enhancing the teacher's awareness of students' learning preferences
  4. expanding students' use of varied problem-solving strategies
Correct Response: A.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate the ability to apply skills and strategies for establishing a culture of learning that promotes self-motivation. One important factor in students' self-motivation is their engagement with the content or task. When students are allowed to choose a topic they are interested in, they are more likely to be engaged in and develop a sense of ownership about their learning. Another important factor in students' self-motivation is their perception of the value of the learning task. In having students share what they are learning with the class, the teacher communicates to students that their learning is important and valuable.

Objective 0003
Learning Environment (Standard 5)

6. During center time, a kindergarten teacher observes a student marking in a book in the reading center. Which of the following teacher responses to the student's behavior best illustrates the principles of positive guidance?

  1. "You seem to be having trouble following the rules in the reading center. Put the books away and go to the block center for the rest of this week."
  2. "This is an inappropriate way to use books. If you ruin center materials, your classmates won't like you very much. Do you understand?"
  3. "When you mark in a book, your classmates won't be able to enjoy it. You need to get an eraser and erase the pencil marks. Would you like some help?"
  4. "Marking in books is not allowed! The next time I see you marking in a book, you will have to sit in the time-out chair."
Correct Response: C.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of developmentally appropriate classroom management approaches and positive guidance techniques. One of the principles of positive guidance is providing the student with a rationale for the rule in question, in this case not marking in books, followed by a logical consequence for not following the rule. Having the student erase the marks promotes accountability for behavior and offering assistance helps communicate to the student that it is the behavior that is unacceptable not the student.

Objective 0004
Instructional Planning and Delivery (Standard 3)

7. A fourth-grade teacher is planning to implement project-based learning in science and social studies. Students have had limited experience with this approach and the teacher wants to help them be successful. The teacher can best promote this outcome by:

  1. assigning students a short independent study before engaging them in a full-scale project.
  2. leaving the time frame for a project largely open-ended with few hard and fast deadlines for students' work.
  3. ensuring that students have the relevant research skills and content knowledge required for a project.
  4. requesting that each student submit a few suggestions to the teacher before selecting a topic for a project.
Correct Response: C.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate the ability to develop and implement project-based learning experiences that guide students to analyze the complexities of an issue and use creative thinking and innovative approaches to solve problems. Project-based learning requires students to use research and inquiry skills as well as communication and presentation skills. For students to be successful with such projects, it is necessary for them to have foundational information literacy skills such as locating, analyzing, and synthesizing information. Students also need to have a body of background knowledge in the selected content area. When students have adequate foundations in these areas, they will be more prepared for the cognitive demands of project-based learning and more likely to benefit from the process.

Objective 0004
Instructional Planning and Delivery (Standard 3)

8. A fourth-grade teacher routinely helps students use technology to access global information sources, shows them live streaming of selected world events, and arranges for them to use Web cameras and voice communication services to interact with students in other parts of the world. These strategies are likely to be most effective in achieving which of the following outcomes?

  1. promoting students' understanding of their role in a global society
  2. fostering in students a positive attitude toward the learning process
  3. enhancing students' sense of participation in a global community
  4. increasing the relevance of students' learning to their personal experiences
Correct Response: C.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate the ability to provide developmentally appropriate learning experiences that promote students' sense of participation in a global community. The teacher's use of global information sources, streaming video, and voice communications serves to expand students' global awareness and provides them with a sense of connectedness to others. The teacher's strategy of arranging video interactions with students in other parts of the world is particularly effective in helping students recognize that people around the world share many common interests and aspirations.

Objective 0004
Instructional Planning and Delivery (Standard 3)

9. In which of the following situations would it be most appropriate to provide Tier 2 (i.e., targeted) instruction for a student in a core curricular area?

  1. Pre-assessment data indicate that the student is in need of additional practice on foundational concepts.
  2. Following differentiated instruction, post-assessment data indicate that the student still does not meet grade-level expectations.
  3. Intensive interventions have proven to be ineffective in helping the student achieve grade-level expectations.
  4. The student's parents/guardians request additional support to help the student attain a higher level of academic achievement than his or her current level.
Correct Response: B.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of the foundational elements of Response to Instruction (RtI). According to the Indiana Response to Instruction model, Tier 1 consists of providing all students with differentiated instruction in the core curriculum and then assessing their mastery. If, at this point, groups or individual students have not mastered the targeted concepts or skills, then a Tier 2 intervention such as additional small-group instruction is implemented to address students' areas of need.

Objective 0004
Instructional Planning and Delivery (Standard 3)

10. When students in a third-grade class come to the teacher with content-related questions such as "How long does a goldfish live?" or "What is the deepest lake in the world?" the teacher does not immediately answer their questions. Instead, the teacher will look up the answers online or in a reference book. The teacher's approach is likely to benefit student learning primarily by:

  1. communicating to students the teacher's respect for their questions.
  2. encouraging students to try to locate answers to their content questions independently.
  3. helping students develop proficiency in using resources in different formats.
  4. modeling for students the use of information literacy skills to pursue content knowledge.
Correct Response: D.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of information literacy, and the ability to promote students' knowledge of and model and facilitate students' use of the tools, practices, and opportunities of the information age. Modeling information-seeking behaviors and the use of information resources supports students in adopting these behaviors and skills themselves. As the teacher models locating specific information, the students not only learn more about where to find information, but also how to use various resources to address information needs.

Objective 0005
Assessment (Standard 4)

11. Compared with a classroom assessment system that focuses primarily on test grades, a system that includes multiple forms of data (e.g., anecdotal records, projects) is likely to have which of the following advantages?

  1. facilitating students' ability to master instructional content at a faster pace
  2. allowing the teacher to provide students with more accurate feedback on their performance
  3. creating a classroom learning environment that promotes ongoing inquiry
  4. providing the teacher with a broader base of evidence on which to base instructional decisions
Correct Response: D.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of the purposes of assessment, the relationship between assessment and instruction, and the importance of using a systematic and comprehensive approach to assessment. Students possess varied learning styles and preferences. For example, they may perform better on a performance-based assessment than on an essay assessment. Gathering multiple forms of performance data gives the students more avenues for demonstrating their learning and provides the teacher with a truer picture of their strengths and needs. The teacher can then use this information to design effective instruction for promoting students' continued growth as learners.

Objective 0005
Assessment (Standard 4)

12. Which of the following teacher actions best reflects the concept of formative assessment?

  1. A third-grade teacher gives students a quiz midway through a social studies unit to check their understanding.
  2. A fourth-grade teacher drops students' lowest mathematics grade when calculating their report card grades.
  3. A fifth-grade teacher draws questions for an end-of-unit science test directly from the relevant textbook chapters.
  4. A sixth-grade teacher asks each student to submit two questions for an upcoming literature test.
Correct Response: A.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of the characteristics, uses, advantages, and limitations of different types of formative and summative assessments. Formative assessment is designed to monitor students' learning progress during a lesson or unit. Formative assessments can be formal or informal and provide the teacher with feedback on the effectiveness of instruction. Using formative assessment during an instructional sequence allows the teacher to modify instruction to more effectively promote student learning.

Objective 0005
Assessment (Standard 4)

13. A second-grade teacher has been conducting systematic observations of a student's behavior during daily recess and is documenting these observations in a narrative form. A representative sample of one of the teacher's narratives is shown below.

Student: Jake R. Date: Monday, May 4

Jake is playing with a soccer ball with Michael, Jamil, and Tony. Jake is obviously in charge of the game. Tony tries to capture the ball while Jake is bouncing it on his head. When Jake drops the ball, he is very angry, immediately getting in Tony's face and complaining, "You made me mess up!" Michael and Jamil calmly try to intervene. Jamil says, "You're not sharing with the rest of us." Jake responds with more bullying behavior, including minor shoving, and threatens to never let any of them use the soccer ball again.

The most significant problem with this documentation is that the teacher:

  1. does not provide background information about the students.
  2. neglects to state the purpose of the observation.
  3. identifies other students involved in this incident by name.
  4. uses subjective and judgmental language.
Correct Response: D.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of systematic observation and documentation, and the ability to use these processes to gain insight into children's development, interactions, strengths, and needs. The process of systematic observation and documentation requires the observer to note only what is actually observed without making assumptions about students' emotions or motivations. When the observer eliminates personal bias or interpretations and focuses on concrete actions, the observation data will be more valid.

Objective 0005
Assessment (Standard 4)

14. A sixth-grade teacher will be meeting with parents/guardians to discuss their children's scores on a recent standardized test. The teacher can best help parents/guardians gain an accurate understanding of their children's performance by taking which of the following actions prior to the meetings?

  1. gathering evidence of each student's classroom performance to supplement test scores
  2. reviewing the test administration manual to identify characteristics of the various score reports
  3. creating a short written summary of each student's scores to supplement the general report
  4. developing a comparison table between subarea test scores and classroom assessments
Correct Response: A.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate the ability to apply skills and strategies for communicating effectively with parents/guardians and others about assessment results. Supplementing a discussion of standardized assessment scores with examples of student work makes the test data more meaningful for parents/guardians. This process links the data to students' actual products and work and facilitates parents'/guardians' ability to recognize their child's specific strengths and needs.

Objective 0006
The Professional Environment (Standard 6)

15. Teachers in an elementary school are organized into professional learning communities. Which of the following teacher practices is most essential to the success of these learning communities in promoting student learning?

  1. participating in ongoing training in conflict-resolution strategies
  2. engaging in collaborative decision making based on student data
  3. adopting a team approach to providing classroom instruction
  4. identifying individual students' talents as early as possible
Correct Response: B.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate the ability to participate effectively and productively as a member of a professional learning community. The primary purpose of a professional learning community is to enhance teachers' effectiveness as professionals and improve learning outcomes for all students. When teachers review student performance data as a team, they are able to identify strengths and weaknesses in student learning and begin to discuss what is working instructionally and what is not working. This in turn leads to discussions of new strategies to implement to help students learn and achieve.