Study Guide

Field 055: World Languages—French
Sample Speaking and Listening Assignments

The following materials contain:

General Directions

This test consists of four sections: (1) a speaking section in which you will respond to an assignment in the target language, (2) a listening section in which you will listen to audio excerpts in the target language and answer multiple-choice questions presented on the screen, (3) a multiple-choice section in which you will respond to questions presented on the screen, and (4) a writing section in which you will respond to an assignment in the target language. The directions for each section appear immediately before that section.

For sections containing multiple-choice questions, read each question and answer choice carefully and choose the ONE best answer. You should answer all questions. Even if you are unsure of an answer, it is better to guess than not to answer a question at all.

You may NOT use any type of calculator or reference materials during the testing session.

Directions for the Speaking Assignment

Note: These are the directions you will see during the operational test. In this study guide, your response will not be recorded, and you will not see a Recorded Answer box.

For this section of the test you will record a spoken response to the assignment that will be presented on the screen. You will have two minutes to read the assignment presented on the screen and consider your response. You will then have two minutes to record your response by speaking into a microphone. Your response must be in the target language. Once recording has begun, it cannot be stopped, nor can you re-record your response.

What you say must be relevant to the situation presented in the assignment. Your response will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

The speaking assignment and a Recorded Answer box will appear on the next screen. A sample of the Recorded Answer box appears below.

When you are ready, click Next and begin reading the assignment. The Recorded Answer box will count down the time until recording begins. You will have 2 minutes to review the assignment and prepare your response. Be sure not to begin speaking until the status on the Recorded Answer box changes to read the number of seconds remaining.

You will then have 2 minutes to complete your response in the target language. You can monitor your time remaining by referring to the Recorded Answer box. The time will count down from 120 seconds (2 minutes) and the status bar will fill as time progresses.

When your time is up, the current status on the Recorded Answer box will change to "completed" indicating the conclusion of the speaking section of the test. Once the status in the Recorded Answer box changes to "completed," select the Next button to continue with the remainder of the test. Do not click Next until you have finished recording your response.

You will have only ONE opportunity to record your response. Select the Next button when you have finished reading these directions and are ready to begin the speaking section of the test. Be sure you have your headset on and that the microphone is in a downward position near your mouth before proceeding. Once you select the Next button, the timed speaking assignment will begin and you WILL NOT be able to return to these directions.

Sample Speaking Assignment

Objective 0008
Presentational and Interpersonal Communication Skills (Standard 4)

Read the assignment below. You will have 2 minutes to review the assignment and prepare your response. Begin speaking in French when the current status on the Recorded Answer box changes to "time remaining." You may take up to 2 minutes to complete your response. Monitor your time by referring to the Recorded Answer box. Begin reviewing the assignment now.

Imagine that you live in a French-speaking country and you are delayed while you are on your way to the dentist. You call the dentist's office but no one answers. Speaking in French, leave a message on the dentist's office voice mail in which you explain the situation. In your message, you must include, but are not limited to, the following information:

Sample Strong Response to the Speaking Assignment

A strong response to the assignment would fully address the assigned topic and develop the topic through extensive elaboration of ideas. The response would be delivered in a consistently clear manner using appropriate cohesive devices to connect ideas within the response. The examinee would speak fluently with easily intelligible pronunciation. The examinee would have good control over simple and some complex linguistic constructions that demonstrate the maintenance of time frames and would avoid errors that interfere with communication. The examinee would show mastery of a broad range of vocabulary including the use of appropriate idiomatic expressions and precise word choice.

Performance Characteristics for the Speaking Assignment

The following characteristics guide the scoring of responses to the speaking assignment.

Purpose Extent to which the response addresses the assignment and is appropriate for the given context
Coherence Clarity of the relationship among ideas
Fluency Ease of expression and flow of speech
Pronunciation Intelligibility and accuracy of pronunciation
Grammar Command of grammar and syntax
Vocabulary Command of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions

Scoring Scale for the Speaking Assignment

Scores will be assigned to each response to the speaking assignment according to the following scoring scale.

Score Point Score Point Description
4 The "4" response demonstrates a strong level of skill in presentational speaking.
  1. The response is appropriate for the given context. It thoroughly addresses the assignment through extensive elaboration of ideas.
  2. The response is clear. Ideas are connected and cohesive devices are employed effectively.
  3. The response demonstrates a consistent flow of speech, with few, if any, inappropriate hesitations.
  4. Pronunciation is easily intelligible, with few, if any, errors in articulation and stress/tone.
  5. The response demonstrates consistent command of basic grammar and syntax and some command of more complex constructions. Control of tense and aspect across different time frames is largely maintained. Minor errors do not affect overall comprehensibility.
  6. The response demonstrates broad command of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions. Word choice is precise, with few, if any, errors.
3 The "3" response demonstrates a general level of skill in presentational speaking.
  1. The response is generally appropriate for the given context. It addresses the assignment through basic elaboration of ideas.
  2. The response is generally clear despite some disruption in the connecting of ideas and/or the occasional misuse of cohesive devices.
  3. The response demonstrates a generally consistent flow of speech. Expression is interrupted by some inappropriate hesitations.
  4. Pronunciation is intelligible despite some errors in articulation and stress/tone.
  5. The response demonstrates general command of basic grammar and syntax. Different time frames are used; however, control of tense and aspect is inconsistent. A generally comprehensible message is conveyed despite numerous and/or significant errors.
  6. The response demonstrates general command of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions. Errors in word choice may cause gaps in communication.
2 The "2" response demonstrates a limited level of skill in presentational speaking.
  1. The response is partially appropriate for the given context. There is limited elaboration of ideas.
  2. The response is only partially clear. Ideas are only partially connected, and cohesive devices may be largely ineffective.
  3. The response demonstrates an inconsistent flow of speech. Expression is disrupted by frequent inappropriate hesitations.
  4. Pronunciation is at times unintelligible. There are frequent or significant errors in articulation and stress/tone.
  5. The response demonstrates limited command of grammar and syntax; time frames other than the present may not be used. Numerous, frequent, and serious errors partially impede comprehensibility.
  6. The response demonstrates limited command of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions. Lack of key words and expressions partially impedes communication.
1 The "1" response demonstrates a weak level of skill in presentational speaking.
  1. The response is largely inappropriate for the given context. There is little or no elaboration of ideas.
  2. The response is largely unclear. Ideas are unconnected and there is little or no effective use of cohesive devices.
  3. The response demonstrates little or no flow of speech. Expression is impeded by frequent and/or prolonged hesitations.
  4. Frequent and significant errors in articulation and stress/tone make the response largely unintelligible.
  5. The response demonstrates little or no command of even the most basic grammar and syntax. The message is largely incomprehensible.
  6. Weak command of even the most basic vocabulary or idiomatic expressions impedes communication.
U The response is unrelated to the assigned topic, inaudible/incomprehensible, not spoken in the required language, not of sufficient length to score, or merely a repetition of the assignment.
B There is no response to the assignment.

Directions for the Listening Assignment

This section of the test contains multiple-choice questions that involve listening to a recorded excerpt. Excerpts will vary in length. Unless otherwise indicated, each listening excerpt will be played twice.

The audio will begin automatically once you advance to the next screen. There will be 20 seconds of silence before the audio excerpt begins to play. During these 20 seconds, you should familiarize yourself with the test question(s).

Once the audio begins, you will not be able to pause, stop, or replay it. Therefore, listen carefully. You will not be able to go back and review your answers to questions in this section of the test. Once you move to the next question, you will not be able to go back to previous questions in this section. Therefore, be sure to select your answer carefully before you move to the next question.

Sample Listening Assignment

The dialogues shown below represent the recorded text you would hear on the actual test. They are shown here for study purposes only; on the actual test you will not see printed dialogues accompanying the recordings.

Objective 0002
Interpretive Communication Skills (Standard 3)

Ecoutez attentivement le dialogue suivant puis répondez à la question. Vous allez entendre le dialogue deux fois.

*(PAUSE 20 seconds)

(one male and one female speaker)

male: Bonjour, madame Ledoyen ! Ça fait plaisir de vous revoir. Alors ça va mieux ?

female: Bonjour, François. Oui, le médecin m'a donné des antibiotiques et maintenant ça va beaucoup mieux.

male: Alors, la même chose que d'habitude ?

female: Oui, avec le petit croissant.

Vous allez maintenant réentendre le dialogue.

(Dialogue is repeated)

Répondez maintenant à la question.*

Parmi les réponses suivantes de l'homme, laquelle est la plus appropriée à ce que la dame vient de dire ?

  1. Je vous apporte aussi votre médicament ?
  2. Alors, vous avez fait votre choix ?
  3. Ah, je vois que vous avez retrouvé l'appétit !
  4. Il faut d'abord demander au médecin.
Correct Response: C.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate the ability to recognize customary greetings, questions, or comments likely to be encountered in social situations. The listener may infer from the passage that Mme. Ledoyen has not visited the café in some time because she has been sick. After she orders a croissant, it would be appropriate for François to respond by remarking about Mme. Ledoyen's improved appetite.

Objective 0002
Interpretive Communication Skills (Standard 3)

Ecoutez attentivement le dialogue suivant puis répondez aux trois questions. Vous allez entendre le dialogue deux fois.

*(PAUSE 20 seconds)

(one male and one female speaker)

female: Tu sais comment on va chez Brigitte et Michel ?

male: Non, en fait, je ne m'en souviens plus très bien. Tu veux bien brancher le GPS ?

female: Oh non ! Ce truc me tape sur les nerfs. Tu conduis et je te dirige.

male: Je ne suis pas sûr que ce soit une très bonne idée.

female: Mais si, ne t'inquiète pas. Au prochain feu tu vas tourner à droite. Ensuite, mets-toi bien sur la voie de gauche, parce qu'on prendra la troisième rue à gauche après.

male: Ne me dis pas trop de choses à la fois, ça m'embrouille.

female: A droite ! A droite ! Jacques, tu as raté l'embranchement ...

male: Quel embranchement ? Tu avais parlé d'un feu.

female: Embranchement, feu, c'est kif-kif, je t'avais dit la première à droite. Tiens, tu peux faire demi-tour dans le parking du cinéma.

male: D'accord ma chérie, mais tu branches le GPS s'il te plaît, sinon Brigitte et Michel vont se mettre à table sans nous.

Vous allez maintenant réentendre le dialogue.

(Dialogue is repeated)

Répondez maintenant aux trois questions.*

Selon les indications de la dame, qu'est-ce que l'homme aurait dû faire en premier?

  1. traverser au prochain feu
  2. tourner à droite
  3. faire demi-tour
  4. serrer à gauche
Correct Response: B.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate the ability to apply literal and inferential comprehension skills to identify or infer essential information from spoken messages. The female speaker first tells the male speaker to turn right at the next traffic light.

Que signifie l'expression « c'est kif-kif » ?

  1. C'est très clair.
  2. C'est sans importance.
  3. C'est trop bête.
  4. C'est la même chose.
Correct Response: D.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate the ability to recognize often-used figurative language, colloquialisms, and idiomatic expressions in spoken messages. The male speaker misses his turn because the female speaker had said there would be a traffic light instead of a junction. Then she tells the speaker that he missed the "embranchement." The male speaker is confused and she responds that traffic light or junction, "c'est kif-kif", meaning that they are the same thing.

Que font vraisemblablement les deux personnes qui parlent ?

  1. Elles veulent aller voir un film.
  2. Elles se rendent au restaurant.
  3. Elles vont dîner chez des amis.
  4. Elles essaient de garer leur voiture.
Correct Response: C.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate the ability to apply literal and inferential comprehension skills to identify or infer essential information from spoken messages. The female speaker begins the dialogue by asking the male speaker if he knows how to get to Brigitte and Michel's home, suggesting that this is their next destination. In the final statement, the male speaker asks the female speaker to put the GPS on "sinon Brigitte et Michel vont se mettre à table sans nous," meaning that Brigitte and Michel are going to have dinner without them if they don't get there soon.